Thursday, 2 May 2013

Supercar Lamborghini Pregunta

Lamborghini Pregunta Wallpaper
French “Autodrome” put on sale concept car Lamborghini Pregunta, which was released in a single copy in 1998. Everybody can buy this car, which is in full working order for $ 2.1 million.
This supercar based on the diablo platform, rear-wheel, the Pregunta is a lighter, drive exotic powered by a V12 engine with 530 hp and a top speed of this Lamborghini Pregunta is up to 207 mph. The design and style is heavily influenced by Formula One race cars along with the aerospace industry. The designer used carbon fiber, rear-facing cameras instead of side mirrors and optical fiber lighting. Take a look at supercar Lamborghini Pregunta photos!
Lamborghini Pregunta Wallpaper
Lamborghini Pregunta Handle
Lamborghini Pregunta
Driving a Lamborghini Pregunta
Supercar Lamborghini Pregunta Pictures
Lamborghini Pregunta in Pictures
Lamborghini Pregunta Logo
Supercar Lamborghini Pregunta Photos
Supercar Lamborghini Pregunta Photos
Supercar Lamborghini Pregunta Pictures
Lamborghini Pregunta Seat and meter
Lamborghini Pregunta Side Front view
Lamborghini Pregunta with Aeroplan

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